Monday, February 13, 2012


Breaking the parasite beast

The parasite beast declared war against the people who do useful work over 5 thousand years ago. The people have been working hard ever since to feed the beast. The more we feed the beast is the more the beast demand of us . The beast by its nature can never be satisfied.

A typical parasite like a wart has enough sense to know when to slow down so that they do not destroy the host. However some parasites will multiply until they destroy the host, and I so doing destroy themselves.

The republican parasite beast is not as smart as warts, They will destroy the host and in so doing destroy all life on earth including themselves.

The parasite beast now has the husband, wife and children working for them while 50 years ago the husband alone could provide for his family. Some people need two or three jobs to survive.

The parasite beast say that they provide a useful service by keeping us fit ie. The wolves keep the deer fit or the deer would get lazy. Hence they provide growth and development which would be much slower without the parasites.

This did force a lot of development and make the people stronger. The problem is we have over developed, result! our air and water is being polluted at an exponential rate. Our finite real estate the earth is being destroyed.

If we continue with the parasite beast earth will be destroyed shortly.

We have to stop the parasite now, before earth cannot recover. We need to move to a zero growth society. Zero parasite, zero inflation, zero boom bust cycle.

While an engineer is working hard to design an air plane the parasite is working to suck his labor.
While a brain surgeon is working hard to save someones life the parasite is working to suck his labor.
While the garbage men are working hard to keep the place clean the parasite is working to suck his labor.

The parasite sucks the life blood out of the people.
While people are trying to grow useful companies the parasite is trying to suck them down.

All wealth, goods and useful services are created by the work of people, working people.
The parasite which does no useful work enjoys the most benefit. The parasite uses our labor against us.
I call this judo. The more you work the more the parasite makes off you, the more he has to buy politicians, to keep you down.

When the parasite gives a politician ten million dollars to run for election. Whose labor is he giving the politician?? Your labor,Your labor, Your labor. This is the labor that the beast sucks out of the people, they then use it against us, the people.
So your labor ends up in advertisements on television and all media to keep them in power. You will notice that certain politicians are ignored or negatively portrayed, they do not stand a chance.
Other politicians are promoted by the media beyond what is paid for advertising.

The media is big business.
The war machine is big business.
The drug companies and health insurance are big business.
The banking and investment industry are big business.

These are the ones that make and break our government. They tell us who to vote for. They use propaganda , gerrymander, and drive wedges between us.

Have you ever wondered why one party support war while one support homosexual. One support abortion the other support killing health care. One support global warming the other does not.

This is called divide and conquer If they keep us divided and weak they can control us. Another tactic is to plant people in the other party. Have you noticed how many democrats vote against their own party, while the republicans always vote in unison.

These democrats are planted by the parasite beast, to throw a wrench in any important proposal. This is the ultimate in divide and conquer, because you do not know who you are voting for.

You vote in a democrat but it is really a republican you voted in.

The parasite beast has your labor stored in Swiss and Cayman bank accounts.
The parasite beast has your labor stored in paintings, gold and silver.

The little you get out of your labor, you have to put it in a savings account, the bank gives you no interest or 0.000x% but they lend eight times your deposit at 7%

This is the final robbery, the parasite work you all the days of your life, and the little that you manage to save they use it to make money for themselves and give you 0.000x% interest.

Your investment is not yours it is theirs, but if they should fail the government will bail them out with your money and your labor because your taxes will increase.

You are in a no win scenario. The people who do useful work cannot win.
The parasite is in a no loose scenario. The parasite beast cannot loose.
Notice how the republican parasite always want to cut education.
They know that they cannot control an educated population.
Their policy is to keep us ignorant and hungry.

These parasites operate on the principles of Milton Freedman, which is to keep the working people in poverty an ignorance.

Milton Freedman is a bean counter.
Milton Freedman never planted a bean.
Milton Freedman never reaped a bean.
Milton Freedman enjoyed a lot more beans than those who planted and reaped the beans.

A parasite beast can hang a painting on his wall that represent the life's work of thousands of hard working people. The little you get of your labor will come to naught with inflation.

You will work and pay the student loan for the rest of your life.
If you work hard by age 70 you may payoff the student lone an die.

How can we stop the parasite beast??????

We are the ones who keep the parasite beast in power because of our own selfishness. If all working people give up our personal selfishness we can defeat the beast.

We have to fight them on all fronts at he same time.

The beast use fear, divide and conquer to keep us in our place.

A major wedge the beast use is religion. Stop supporting the parson.
The parson teaches that your reward is in heaven.

Police soldier prison Try to discourage all your friends and family from joining these institutions.

The media tv, newspaper etc. Note the products that they advertise. I you can survive without it do not buy it, try to buy generic
products at all times.

The stock market is now controlled by computers
The parasite beast can trade in micro seconds. Do not invest in stock.
They can push up the price of a stock, sell it and
rob the company and its shareholders instantly.

Simple rule if they advertise it they are giving your money to the media, The extra money you pay for toothpaste toilet paper etc. goes to the media to create propaganda and misinformation. Buy generic.

So if you stop parson, police, stock, media, military. You will break the parasite beast.

The beast will not go that easily though.
They will bring war to the people.
But these beasts are cowards, they are not going to fight us personally.

They will pay police and soldiers to do their dirty work.
( your own brothers and sisters, sons and daughters ) will be used to bring us down.
This is why we need to discourage our families and friends from joining these institutions and taking the mark of the beast.
It is written that hunger and starvation will come and we will be forced to take the mark of the beast to eat. But there is also a reward if we have faith and resist the parasite beast.

In the mean time give President Obama 4 more years.
Give him enough senators and congress to overcome the implanted republicans in the democratic party.
You notice the press cannot pronounce the word president, they say Mr. Obama.
This is a sign that he is for the people, or the press would be able to pronounce president.

Calling the president Mr. Obama is a subtle insult that demean the president.
If you say Obama this is a complement he is world famous like Tchaikovsky, Bach, Elvis.
If you say Mr. Obama you reduce the president to a person with a stick between his legs.

Unusemenucum 2/12/12